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Friday, January 30, 2009

We'll Both Be Flying Out Today!!!!

YES that's right! Hubby was told yesterday to be ready for today. I was in teary eyes thanking God for all the possible ways He's been showing off in due time, that His intention and motive is for our safety too..... THANKS FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS MY FRIENDS, I KNOW HOW POWERFUL PRAYER IS, and I thank you all for that...

Our company's Angolan administration managed to get hold of other company the possibility of giving us 2 seats for their flight today (Friday) - this is in another town (since the town we are in now is not allowing any public flights anymore except Sundays but only under circumstances)... But its only an hour drive from here and another hour and half flight, so not bad though.

Everything has already been organized - the hospital, the doctor, all the corresponding paper works - so I will be heading straight to th
e hospital as soon as we get to Luanda! Hubby will be back here on Monday until the 10th, while I will be at the hospital until he gets back there and fly home together! I can't really wait.... I KNOW GOD IS IN CONTROL...

I won't be able to contact you until we get to UK, and its gonna be in 2 to 3 weeks time!

I'm only going to take the stuffs I needed for my 10 day stay at the hospital, the rest hubby will pack everything! Poor


Yes you are right my friends - when I start feeling so stressed and if I walk too much (feel tired), my baby doesn't like it because he/she gives me tummy cramps and pains right away - to remind me that "MOMMY PLEASE YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN, RELAX, I'LL BE FINE, I WILL BE SEEING YOU SOON", I may sound crazy but I know he/she'll be fine and knows what's going on...

.....and you know where I got this positive feelings? FROM YOU MY DEAR SISTERS/FRIENDS, YOU MAKE ME STRONG THROUGH ALL YOUR COMMENTS, REMINDERS, PRAYERS, CARE AND LOVE... Can't wait to speak to you again, and it will be soon! GOD BLESSES YOU MORE and MORE and MORE, take care and love yah all....
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niko said...

that is really good news dear!!!! yey!!! GOd is with us!!!!

you take care still ok, il be awaiting for ur another happy update!!!! kisses for the baby!!!! yipeee!

Lynn said...

sis, for as long as u believe, u will be okay. see? everything is falling into place now. just keep the faith, okay?

have a safe and sound trip. mwahugs!

Chie Wilks said...

Have a safe trip to the both of you te... God will always be with you. HAve faith in Him. He knows you needed him the most this time.

Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

Hello Madz! I am glad that you will be flying today... hope everything is fine with you. Take care dhangz!

me said...

Take care Dhangz..We will be waiting for your update..have a safe trip and hopefully your and your little angel will be fine once you get back..Our prayers are still with you my dear..

Kev said...

hi hope you are fine, and your baby too :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Thanks God for that, just be strong always sis!

Dhemz said...

Wow! that is great to know dangz...I miss to hear from you miss nako ang imong mga katawa sa akong miss nako ang imong least dangz makabalik na jud ka sa real so happy for you...amping bya permi sa imo baby ha...I mean sa akong future inaanak diay...hehhe! hope to hear from you soon...update sad bya dayon ko yah!

Cryptomillions said...

madz, you take care. i know you'll be fine there.God is always with you. so take care and more blessings to come because you have a very good heart.God bless you and your family as always!

Anonymous said...

ust call me MADZ, a very proud BOHOLANA/Pinay (from Philippines), who tells you my life's journey to success! I am the eldest of among 8 siblings, a breadwinner! Married to a wonderful English man whom I met here at work, in the middle of the bush (diamond mine in Angola). I came to work here when I was as young as 22.

Kuyawa ang introduction mo. Feel na feel ko ang life challenges being thousand mile away from home.

I am happy that you are successful now. Hope to have more achievements to come.

God blesss


i like to have an exchange link with you with my blog.

amiable amy said...

Madz, man limbawot man sad ato balahibo ani....that is good nga maka rest na jud ka sa hospital, cge kita nalang ta pohon ha, be safe always and take care

Umma said...

Ingat sistah.. I know GOD will keep the baby for you. Keep the faith strong., everything will be fine.

Take care.. God Bless!

Cecile said...

You take care dear :-) I am glad you are finally seeing a doctor!
Just relax coz everything is going to be fine, okay! We'll continue to pray for you!

EJ said...

Hello there Madz, hope you and the baby are fine.

When you feel better just sail by my boate and grab the passionate blogger award, I know that you are one of the passionate ones..

Anonymous said...

hello sister, I hope that you are doing alright there and the baby too!

PinayWAHM said...

Hi Madz....

My prayers are with you and your baby. I feel so bad because I have not been here in a while and then I read this.

Take it easy my friend. It's great to see you how strong your faith is in this time of trial in your life. Yes, HE is in control.

Take care...

Mommy J

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hello sis, miss kna kita... kumusta n kayo ni baby?

by the way, i have a tag for you here

Lynn said...

hello sistah!

musta na ikaw? hope everything's well and good.

award for u sistah...

amiable amy said...

girl, visit na napud ko are you? hoping you will have a safe flight

niko said...


how are u? ive been praying for u.i know u will be alright coz u have ur hubby all the time and ur family and friends are here for u too!

will u just leave me a message when ur home or wherever u are so that i know u are fine, i keep thinking about u and the baby! :)

and when u have the spare time please answer my question here

take care dearest!! God bless u!

Lynn said...

hello sistah!

musta na ka? hope all is well. can't wait to hear from u again..

niwey, got something for u..

Anonymous said...

Good Luck for both of you..
been here today, hope you enjoy your time

DA6 said...

exchange link ta be..hehehe


amiable amy said...

visit ulit....musta na gwapa?

Chie Wilks said...

Hello Ate Madz, happy Valentine's day sa inyong duha sa imu hubby..greetings from me and hubby sad hehehe..Naa ko Valentine's tag for you..its ok if you can't make it..i am just giving you linky love Valentine's day.

Anonymous said...

Stay strong and confident my friend. I know you can do everything in God's grace. Take care of yourself always.

Nanaybelen said...

Hope and pray that everything is alright.
May God guide and bless you!

Beth said...

hi madz, i left a message for you here, i wonder where it is, :)
kmusta ka na? tagal mo pa din wala...miss you na ha?
anyway, take care always ha? God will always take care of you and the baby! Ingat lagi!

Mira said...

Hi Madz, I hope everything is going great with you and the baby. Hang in there, indeed God is in control. You are blessed with great faith. Hope to see you here soon.

Cookie said...

wishing you and the baby well, madz. be praying for you, guapa! God bless and Ingatz always. Have a safe trip wherever you go ;)

peter kenneth said...

Aww nice post !!! loved it .. keep penning down your beautiful thoughts !!

Costa Rica Vacations said...

I appreciate this write up !!! great write up with some amazing stuff !!

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