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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Do You Want to Extend The Life Of Your OLD Sofa?

Have you ever thought that their might be a solution of your old sofa instead of getting rid of it and buy a new one? Think before you do it, especially that we could not really afford of losing any penny due to economic crisis! It has been recorded that every year many sofas get thrown away!

Apparently, Save Our Sofas promotes the re-use of unwanted sofas, increasing the life-cycle o your home furnitures. Must be a very good idea in this creeping economy we are facing right now, so why not saving the lives of your sofas and check SOS of what they can do for you to save the amount of money intended to buy other more vital ones.

Win Free Re-upholstery by sending your ugliest sofa in the world, and the winner will be awarded in courtesy of Plumbs. Entries will close by the 15th of July 2009, why not who knows you'll be one of the lucky winners.
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